2019–20 Departmental Results Report—Gender-based analysis plus

Office of the Auditor General of Canada2019–20 Departmental Results Report

Supplementary Information Table—Gender-based analysis plus

Gender-based analysis plus

Governance structures

Not applicable.

The Office of the Auditor General of Canada (OAG) has conducted gender-based analysis plus (GBA+) as part of its governance structure activities. This analysis did not identify a need for a detailed GBA+ implementation plan.

Human resources

Not applicable.

The OAG was able to address GBA+ considerations without the need for full‑time equivalent employees to be dedicated to GBA+ implementation for the 2019–20 fiscal year.

Major initiatives: results achieved

Not applicable

No major initiatives relating to GBA+ were undertaken for the 2019–20 fiscal year.

Reporting capacity and data

Not applicable

The OAG’s program inventory does not include programs that provide services or benefits to individual Canadians.