Report on Annual Expenditures for Travel, Hospitality, and Conferences for 2014–2015

Report on Annual Expenditures for Travel, Hospitality, and Conferences for 2014–2015

Annual expenditures for Travel, Hospitality, and Conferences of the Office of the Auditor General of Canada:

(in thousands of dollars)
Expenditure Category Expenditures for the year ending March 31, 2015
Expenditures for the year ending March 31, 2014
Travel—Public Servants 2,848 2,829 19
Travel—Non-Public Servants 73 56 17
Total Travel 2,921 2,885 36
Hospitality 71 87 (16)
Conference Fees 8 5 3
TOTAL 3,000 2,977 23

Significant variances compared to the previous year

Variances compared to previous year for travel (both public and non-public servants), hospitality and conference fees are not significant.