Climate action, escalating biodiversity loss, and pollution

Petition: 476

Issue(s): Air quality; Biological diversity; Climate change; Governance; Human/environmental health

Petitioner(s): A Canadian resident

Petitioner location(s): Ottawa, Ontario

Date received: 30 January 2023

Status: Completed—Response(s) to petition received

Summary: The petition expresses concern over climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution, and it emphasizes the need for the government to make a dramatic change so recovery can be possible. It indicates that the failure to address these crises is causing cumulative damage as the situation worsens, making recovery more difficult.

The petition raises questions on the timing of the government’s actions to fix climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution, and it asks how and when the government will provide transparent public performance reporting on the plan to fix these issues. The petition refers to the recent salmon die-off due to drought conditions that prevented the salmon from spawning, and it asks how this can be prevented.

The petition requests that the government do specific actions to prohibit roadside zoos and wildlife used for entertainment; to stop recreational hunting and fishing; to eliminate plastic pollution; to encourage all Canadians to be responsible for protecting the environment, the climate, natural resources, biodiversity, and wildlife; to ban pollinator-killing chemicals; to adopt sustainability standards throughout supply chains and in federal organizations’ operations; and to offer recovery plans and protection strategies to provinces, territories, and municipalities. The petition also asks for action on other items that would contribute to fixing climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution, such as providing incentives to purchase electric vehicles, sharing tools for improving building use, and offering research grants to determine, stop, and reverse policies and practices related to these issues.

Federal departments/organizations responsible for reply: Canadian Food Inspection Agency; Environment and Climate Change Canada; Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Health Canada; Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada; Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada; Natural Resources Canada; Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada; Public Safety Canada; Public Services and Procurement Canada; Transport Canada; Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat