Call for a national pollinator strategy

Petition: 506

Issue(s):  Biological diversity; Compliance and enforcement; Governance; Human/environmental health; Toxic substances

Petitioner(s): A Canadian resident

Petitioner location(s): Nanoose Bay, British Columbia

Date received: 6 May 2024

Status: Reply pending / Replies pending

Summary: The petition expresses concerns regarding the decline of wild pollinators in Canada, citing reasons such as habitat loss, monoculture farming, diseases, and pesticides. The petition claims that this decline could potentially affect the food supply and cause ecosystems to collapse. The petition states that pollinators provide Canadian farmers with an annual income of nearly $2.8 billion and provide food for around 24 million people every year. The petition asks what incentives are presented to farmers to protect wild pollinator habitat and asks whether the federal government intends to add neonic pesticides to the virtual elimination list under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999.

Noting that over 30 countries have a pollinator strategy, including Mexico and the United States, the petition calls for the development of one in Canada. The petition seeks clarification on whether the Species at Risk Act can include a general prohibition to protect all major pollinators. Finally, the petition stresses the importance of public education on wild pollinators and their habitat and asks about the government’s plans in this regard.

Federal departments/organizations responsible for reply: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada; Environment and Climate Change Canada; Health Canada