Petitions by Federal Institution
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada [up to 2011]
- No. 304
- Federal regulation of Canadian mining companies operating in Canada and abroad
- No. 293
- Implementation status of the marine protected areas aspects of the federal government’s health of the oceans initiatives
- No. 288
- Concerns about actions taken against a doctor for statements made about cancer rates in Fort Chipewyan, Alberta
- No. 275
- Progress toward meeting drinking water quality standards on Indian reserves
- No. 239
- Development of the Nahanni National Park Reserve
- No. 223
- Green procurement and use of recycled paper by federal government departments
- No. 221
- Health and environmental concerns regarding the fluoridation of drinking water
- No. 219B
- Environmental impact of the Metal Mining Effluent Regulations on fish habitats
- No. 219
- Environmental impact of federal Metal Mining Effluent Regulations
- No. 217
- Environmental contamination at a First Nations reserve in Manitoba
- No. 215
- Impact of oil sands development in Alberta
- No. 214
- Impact of herbicides on fish and fish habitats in northern Ontario
- No. 213
- Environmental assessment of the Wuskwatim hydro project in Manitoba
- No. 207
- Federal enforcement of environmental laws in the Northwest Territories
- No. 200
- Promotion of sustainable forests through competition policy reform
- No. 196
- Proposed redevelopment of Pine Point mine
- No. 195
- Storage of fuel and hazardous waste on the Hay River
- No. 188
- The impact of resource development in Northern Alberta on First Nations
- No. 169
- Sustainable development plan for the Nitinat First Nations people of British Columbia
- No. 165
- Sewage runoff in a northern community
- No. 164
- Transboundary watersheds affected by northern British Columbia metal mine
- No. 157B
- Follow-up petition on the swift fox population in Canada
- No. 153A
- Port development on Roberts Bank in the Fraser River Estuary, British Columbia
- No. 134
- Sustainable management of the Pacific herring fishery
- No. 133
- Cumulative environmental effects of resource development in British Columbia
- No. 132
- Ontario Mid-Canada Line radar site remediation
- No. 131
- Environmental monitoring in Nunavut
- No. 123
- Resort development near Invermere, British Columbia
- No. 095B
- Follow-up petition on acid drainage and re-opening of a metal mine in northern British Columbia
- No. 095A
- Acid drainage and re-opening of metal mine in northern British Columbia
- No. 092B
- Follow-up actions arising from the federal environmental assessment and approval of the Oldman River Dam project
- No. 091
- Environmental problems at the Buffalo Point Reserve in Manitoba
- No. 082C
- Aboriginal burial grounds and the Red Hill Creek Valley expressway project
- No. 067
- Implementation of Rio Declaration principles for Indigenous people
- No. 052
- First Nations participation in climate change strategies
- No. 038A
- Genetically engineered fish
- No. 024
- Ensuring sustainable timber harvesting in the Yukon
- No. 018
- Timber harvesting in the Yukon
- No. 011
- Crown obligations to First Nations
- No. 006
- Canadian Mining Regulations