Petitions by Federal Institution

National Defence

No. 497
Environmental impacts of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO’s) Camp Adazi military base in Latvia
No. 458
The Government of Canada’s response to perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in water, products, and waste
No. 447B
Follow-up petition on climate and environmental impacts of the new fleet of F-35 fighter jets
No. 447
Climate impact of new fighter jets
No. 410
Canada’s progress on implementing and reporting on Agenda 2030
No. 405B
Follow-up petition on Canada’s nuclear legacy liabilities
No. 392
Concerns over crude oil shipping and oil spills on the Great Lakes
No. 384
Relocation of the 443 Maritime Helicopter Squadron—Deficiencies in environmental assessment and need for public consultation
No. 380
Critical infrastructure and atmospheric security—Impacts of climate change
No. 375
Status of contaminated site near Canadian Forces Base Valcartier
No. 374
Federal actions on climate change adaptation in Canada’s North