Petitions by Issue
- No. 484
- Political accountability for the continued use of glyphosate in Canada
- No. 473D
- Follow-up to petition 473C on permethrin fogging of weeds and drift to weeds where bees are actively foraging
- No. 473C
- Request for information and clarification on the response to petition 473 from the Minister of Health
- No. 473B
- Request for further information and clarification on the response to petition 473 from the Minister of Environment and Climate Change
- No. 473
- The non-agricultural use of permethrin in Canada as a mosquito treatment, and the implications to insect and spider biodiversity and the food chain
- No. 465
- Concerns surrounding groundwater contamination by a fertilizer plant in Yorkton, Saskatchewan
- No. 457
- Responsibilities of Health Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada in protecting pollinators from the impact of neonicotinoid pesticides
- No. 444
- Need for environmental impact assessment on ecological effects of wide-scale wolf reduction programs
- No. 431
- Oversight, safety, and public awareness of chemical product applications at the Central Experimental Farm in Ottawa
- No. 428
- Ten requests to the Government of Canada for improving the well-being of the environment
- No. 423
- Re-evaluation of glyphosate by Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency and the United States Environmental Protection Agency
- No. 422
- Results of wheat, oats, and corn sampling for glyphosate by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency
- No. 393
- Concerns about the spraying of pesticides close to a school in a rural area
- No. 382
- Public consultation process for the re-evaluation of the herbicide glyphosate
- No. 295
- The potential health and environmental impact of pesticides on apples and other food crops
- No. 294
- The health impact of chemicals and pollutants that are released into the environment
- No. 283
- Concerns about the regulation of the herbicide atrazine and its potential impact on amphibian populations
- No. 272
- Incident reporting related to a fire at a pesticide manufacturer
- No. 268
- Request to withdraw the registration of neurotoxic pesticides in Canada
- No. 214
- Impact of herbicides on fish and fish habitats in northern Ontario
- No. 201
- Environmental health research in Canada
- No. 198
- Chemical residues on imported fruit, vegetables, and milk
- No. 180
- An international comparison on Canada’s action on pesticide regulation
- No. 144
- Pest Control Products Act Regulations
- No. 141
- Approval and registration process for pesticides
- No. 129
- Federal re-evaluation of pesticide 2,4-D
- No. 126B
- Follow-up petition on fumigants and other pesticides in shipping containers
- No. 126A
- Fumigants and other pesticides in shipping containers
- No. 097
- Toxicity of the arsenic-based pesticide Monosodium Methane Arsenate (MSMA)
- No. 087
- Advertising and labelling of pesticides
- No. 068
- Pesticide spray program in Prince Albert National Park
- No. 020
- Use of pesticides on ginseng farms in British Columbia