Travel Expenses
For: | Jerome Berthelette, Assistant Auditor General |
Claim: | 1215444 |
Destination(s): | Yellowknife |
Purpose: | Attend a conference of the Canadian Council of Legislative Auditors (CCOLA) and the Canadian Council of Public Accounts (CCPAC) |
Date(s): | 2016-08-21 to 2016-08-24 |
Air Fare: | $1,073.37 |
Other Transportation: | $25.00 |
Accommodation: | $500.85 |
Nights of Accommodation: | 3 |
Meals: | $73.65 |
Others*: | $77.20 |
TOTAL: | $1,750.07 |
Recovered Cost: | $0.00 |
* Others column includes incidentals, telephone, parking, and other expenses.