Travel Expenses

Clyde MacLellan, Assistant Auditor General

2016-12-02 to 2017-03-01 (December-March)

Date(s) Purpose and Details Total Cost* Recovered Cost
2016-12-04 to 2016-12-07 Attend an audit committee meeting; Audit $2,001.98 $0.00
2016-12-09 to 2016-12-13 Audit $3,308.12 $0.00
2017-02-09 Attend an audit committee meeting $294.19 $0.00
2017-02-15 to 2017-02-20 Attend a meeting with regional staff $1,328.35 $0.00
2017-02-27 to 2017-02-28 Audit $830.74 $0.00
Total $7,763.38 $0.00

* Includes all applicable taxes.