Travel Expenses
For: | Terrance DeJong, Assistant Auditor General |
Claim: | 1324638 |
Destination(s): | Halifax |
Purpose: | Attend the 29th Annual Colloquium on Financial Management for National Governments |
Date(s): | 2017-09-17 to 2017-09-20 |
Air Fare: | $384.98 |
Other Transportation: | $84.44 |
Accommodation: | $700.29 |
Nights of Accommodation: | 3 |
Meals: | $201.85 |
Others: | $161.20 |
TOTAL: | $1,532.76 |
Recovered Cost: | $0.00 |
- Others column includes incidentals, telephone, parking, and other expenses.
- Amounts include taxes.