2021–22 Annex to the Statement of Management Responsibility, Including Internal Control over Financial Reporting

2021–22 Annex to the Statement of Management Responsibility Including Internal Control Over Financial Reporting

1 Introduction

This document summarizes the measures taken by the Office of the Auditor General of Canada (OAG) to maintain an effective system of internal control over financial reporting, including information on internal control management, assessment results, and related action plans.

Detailed information on the OAG’s authority, mandate, and program activities can be found in the 2021–22 Departmental Results Report and the 2022–23 Departmental Plan.

2 Departmental system of internal control over financial reporting

Internal control management

The OAG has a well-established governance and accountability structure to support departmental assessment efforts and oversight of its system of internal control. A departmental internal control management framework is in place and comprises

The OAG’s Audit Committee meets at least quarterly and provides advice to the Auditor General on the adequacy and functioning of the OAG’s risk management, control, and governance frameworks and processes.

Service arrangements relevant to financial statements

The OAG relies on the following organizations for processing certain transactions that are recorded in its financial statements:

The above-noted departments’ annexes provide further information on the systems of internal control over financial reporting related to these specific services.

3 Departmental assessment results for the 2021–22 fiscal year

Previous fiscal year’s areas for improvement

As part of our 2021–22 assessment, we followed up on areas for improvement identified in past assessments. We found that remedial actions had been taken in many of the identified areas. Remedial actions are also under way to address outstanding observations, which primarily relate to information technology (IT) general controls.

Assessment results

The work performed, key findings, and areas for improvement identified in the 2021–22 assessment of internal control over financial reporting are as follows:

As a result of our work, we can conclude that the OAG did maintain an effective system of internal control over financial reporting in the 2021–22 fiscal year.

4 Action plan for the next 3 fiscal years

The following table shows the OAG’s rotational ongoing monitoring plan over the next 3 fiscal years. This plan will be revisited annually on the basis of the validation of high-risk processes and controls and related adjustments to the ongoing monitoring plan as required.

Rotational ongoing monitoring plan

Rotational ongoing monitoring plan
Key control areas 2022–23
fiscal year
fiscal year
fiscal year
Entity-level controls checkmark  checkmark  checkmark 
IT general controls checkmark  checkmark  checkmark 
Payroll checkmark  checkmark  checkmark 
Operating expenses checkmark 
Revenues checkmark 
Year-end reporting checkmark 
Executive travel, hospitality, conferences, and events checkmark 
Executive compensation checkmark 

[Original signed by]

Karen Hogan, FCPA, FCA
Auditor General of Canada

Ottawa, Canada
9 September 2022