2022–23 Departmental Results Report—Supplementary information table—Gender-based analysis plus

Office of the Auditor General of Canada2022–23 Departmental Results Report

Supplementary information table—Gender-based analysis plus

Section 1: Institutional Gender-based analysis plusGBA Plus governance and capacity


The Office of the Auditor General of Canada (OAG) has an Executive Sponsor who supports equity, diversity, and inclusion and champions gender-based analysis plus (GBA Plus). The Executive Sponsor ensures that a framework is implemented to allow for GBA Plus to be integrated into the OAG's audit work and operations. The Executive Sponsor also acts as a liaison to the Executive Committee on matters related to equity, diversity, and inclusion.

There is a 3‑tier governance structure at the OAG. The People Management Committee reports to the Executive Committee and submits recommendations on matters concerning people management, including equity, diversity, and inclusion. The People Management Committee is supported by committees and working groups, as well as the Diversity and Inclusion Forum.


Continued efforts to build GBA Plus capacity to support equity, diversity, and inclusion objectives within the OAG have yielded results. The OAG launched an automated self-identification questionnaire in January 2023 to better understand the diversity of its employees. It has begun collecting the information for all active employees and all new employees who have joined since January 2023. As of February 2023, this data is being used to support decisions related to employment equity.

Representatives from the organization were appointed to support the integration of equity, diversity, and inclusion into the OAG’s activities. These representatives, located in both the Human Resources group and the audit practices, provided internal guidance and support on equity, diversity, and inclusion and GBA Plus. Processes have been streamlined to ensure that equity, diversity, and inclusion considerations are systematically incorporated into all audit engagements through a GBA Plus lens, including performance audits and special examinations.

During the 2022–23 fiscal year, the OAG focused on raising awareness and providing audit teams with necessary tools and training. Comprehensive GBA Plus guidance material was developed and made available internally, and a specialized course was developed to assist audit teams in implementing equity, diversity, and inclusion considerations in their work through a GBA Plus lens. In addition, consultations continued for all audit teams working on direct engagements, ensuring technical advice and support from the specialist team within the OAG. These initiatives reinforced the commitment to inclusion within the organization and for the organization’s products, in line with the findings and recommendations from the 2022 Reports of the Auditor General of Canada, Report 3—Follow-up on Gender-Based Analysis Plus.

Section 2: Gender and diversity impacts, by program

Core responsibility: Legislative auditing

Program name: Legislative audit

Program goals:

The OAG’s performance audit reports cover various aspects of GBA Plus, highlighting inclusivity initiatives in federal government activities. In the 2022–23 fiscal year, the OAG published 27 direct engagements, 15 of which included at least 1 recommendation focused on improving outcomes for diverse populations. These recommendations guided departments, agencies, and Crown corporations in adopting more inclusive practices, programs, and policies.

Released in May 2022, the Auditor General’s follow‑up report on GBA Plus provided an update on progress since the 2015 audit. As part of its commitment to transparency and continuous improvement, the OAG closely monitors the performance of government organizations to ensure that its audit recommendations help foster more inclusive and equitable outcomes for all.

Through these efforts, the OAG supports the government-wide commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion in both its operations and its audit work.