Exhibit 4.3—Average occupancy levels (2012-13) indicate overcrowded conditions at some levels—text version

2014 Spring Report of the Auditor General of Canada

Spring 2014 Report—Chapter 4

Exhibit 4.3—Average occupancy levels (2012–13) indicate overcrowded conditions at some levels

These two bar charts show the average occupancy levels in men’s and women’s prisons in 2012–13. Each chart compares the number of offenders and available cells.

Men’s prisons
Type of prison Number of offenders Number of cells Percent occupancy
Medium 7,918 7,772 102 percent
Minimum 2,499 2,483 101 percent
Maximum 1,964 2,189 90 percent
Intake 1,172 876 134 percent
Mental health 747 840 89 percent
Healing lodges 197 224 88 percent
Women’s prisons
Type of prison Number of offenders Number of cells Percent occupancy
General population 430 476 90 percent
Maximum 65 60 108 percent
Healing lodges 49 52 94 percent
Intermediate mental health 37 44 84 percent
Acute mental health 17 18 94 percent
