Audit at a Glance—Report 8—Special Examinations of Crown Corporations—2014

Special Examinations at a Glance Report 8—Special Examinations of Crown Corporations—2014

What we examined

In 2014, the Office of the Auditor General issued reports on special examinations of the following Crown corporations:

  • Canada Lands Company Limited
  • Royal Canadian Mint

Why we did these examinations

The objective of this report was to bring to the attention of Parliament the results of the Office of the Auditor General’s special examination reports transmitted to the boards of directors of Crown corporations in 2014. The Crown corporations have made these reports public.

What we found

We identified no significant deficiencies in the two special examination reports.

For the two Crown corporations listed above, we provided recommendations on a range of issues, which included travel and hospitality, procurement and contracting, costing methodologies, risk management, and human resource management.


The Crown corporations agreed with our recommendations.

Related Information

Report of the Auditor General of Canada
Type of product Special Examination
Audited entities
Tabling date 28 April 2015

For more information

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The Auditor General’s Comments

Auditor General provides overview of special examinations of Canada Lands Company Limited and Royal Canadian Mint
Large video and transcript