Report 4—Funding Climate-Ready Infrastructure—Infrastructure Canada—Infographic

Report 4—Funding Climate-Ready Infrastructure—Infrastructure Canada—Infographic

Infographic presenting findings from the audit on funding climate-ready infrastructure

Text version

This infographic explains a key concept from the 2022 audit report on funding climate-ready infrastructure.

Infrastructure Canada was able to determine whether some investments under the 4 funding programs we examined will result in more resilient and less carbon-intensive infrastructure, but it could not do so for all investments.

What is climate-resilient infrastructure?

Climate change effects, such as droughts and floods, are becoming more severe and more frequent. Buildings and other infrastructure can be adapted to mitigate these risks. Adaptations that make buildings carbon neutral also help mitigate climate change by working to reduce its effects.

For example,

  • install solar panels to reduce use of fossil fuels
  • install operable windows to adapt to extreme heat
  • assess trees for vulnerability to intense winds
  • provide air conditioning to adapt to extreme heat
  • raise building to mitigate risk of flooding