Scientific weight of evidence for Safety Code 6, Health Canada’s radiofrequency exposure guidelines

Petition: 399

Issue(s): Governance, human / environmental health, other, science and technology

Petitioner(s): Resident of Canada

Petitioner Location(s): Simcoe, Ontario

Date Received: 10 April 2017

Status: Completed—Response(s) to petition received

Summary: The petition raises concerns about the scientific data and studies used by Health Canada to update Safety Code 6, Health Canada’s radiofrequency exposure guidelines. The petition alleges that Health Canada may not be using the best available science when it comes to the effects of electromagnetic radiofrequency exposure on the health of Canadians.

Referring to different speeches and public declarations by the Minister of Health, the petition notes that Health Canada bases its argument that Safety Code 6 protects Canadians from electromagnetic radiation on the “weight of evidence.” The petition seeks clarification on the use of this term and asks the Minister to produce the scientific findings that Health Canada used to support Safety Code 6.

The petition also raises concerns about Health Canada’s ability to produce scientific weight of evidence that is free of conflict of interest. The petition refers to a scientific article on the link between clinical trial results and the organizations that fund the trials. The petition is concerned about the objectivity of the entities that produce the scientific evidence informing Health Canada’s decision making on Safety Code 6 standards. The petition seeks clarification on the screening process used by Health Canada to ensure that the scientific findings provided by these entities have not been compromised by conflicts of interest.

Federal departments responsible for reply: Health Canada