Timeliness of environmental assessments for projects 2 and 3 (Ontario Highway 69 expansion)

Petition: 400

Issue(s): Environmental assessment, transport

Petitioner(s): Resident of Canada

Petitioner Location(s): Sudbury, Ontario

Date Received: 18 May 2017

Status: Completed—Response(s) to petition received

Summary: The petition is concerned with the timeliness of environmental assessments for the following projects that aim to expand Ontario Highway 69 to a four-lane divided highway: Project 2 (Canadian Environmental Assessment Registry, reference number 65415) and Project 3 (Canadian Environmental Assessment Registry, reference number 65417).

The petition seeks clarification on the federal department that is the responsible authority for these projects and on the official point of contact who could respond to inquiries about project delays. The petition asks why this information is not available on the Canadian Environmental Assessment Registry website. In addition, the petition seeks information on the specific issues and studies that need be resolved or completed in order for the federal government to fulfill its responsibilities under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012.

Federal departments responsible for reply: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada, Transport Canada