Acid mine drainage from Gatineau Park and vicinity

Petition: 448

Issue(s): Compliance and enforcement; Environmental assessment; Governance; Human/environmental health; Toxic substances

Petitioner(s): Canadian residents

Petitioner Location(s): Val-des-Monts, Quebec

Date Received: 6 October 2020

Status: Completed—Response(s) to petition received

Summary: The petition raises questions related to a former molybdenum mine in Quyon, Quebec, which it alleges is contaminated and where drainage has had toxic impacts on the petitioners’ nearby farm. The petition indicates that the mine is located in Gatineau Park, which is administered by a federal Crown corporation, the National Capital Commission.

The petition asserts that pollution from the mine has negatively affected wetlands, farms, forests, and human and animal health. According to the petition, monitoring the mine site should have prevented these negative effects.

The petition poses a series of questions related to mining pollution, including whether abandoned mine sites across Canada will be assessed to predict off-site pollution, whether diagnostic procedures can be adapted to monitor environmental contamination to decrease animal suffering, and whether the contamination levels will be assessed at the former molybdenum mine in Quyon.

Federal Departments Responsible for Reply: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada; Canadian Heritage; Environment and Climate Change Canada; Natural Resources Canada; Public Health Agency of Canada; Public Safety Canada; Public Services and Procurement Canada