Policy measures regarding the marketing of radiation-emitting devices to children under the age of 14 to ensure parents are aware of the health risks and how these risks can be avoided

Petition: 478

Issue(s): Corporate social responsibility; Governance; Human/environmental health; Science and technology

Petitioner(s): A Canadian organization

Petitioner location(s): Victoria, British Columbia

Date received: 14 February 2023

Status: Completed—Response(s) to petition received

Summary: The petition draws attention to the 2015 parliamentary report from the Standing Committee on Health, Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation and the Health of Canadians, and references statements by the Minister of Health in the government response that was tabled in Parliament on 6 October 2016. The petition raises concerns about the policy measures that are currently in place regarding the marketing of radiation-emitting devices to children under the age of 14.

According to the petition, under the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act, it is prohibited to advertise a consumer product if the advertisement creates a false impression about the device’s safety or if the product itself is a danger to human health or safety. The petition questions the measures that Health Canada and Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada have taken to ensure that advertisements for cellphones and other wireless devices do not create a false impression of safety from both thermal and non-thermal effects.

The petition asks whether Advertising Standards Canada and the Canadian Radio‑television and Telecommunications Commission have taken any actions as a result of the standing committee’s report. The petition further questions whether Health Canada or Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada implemented any policy measures to inform parents and users of possible health risks from radiation-emitting devices.

The petitioner expresses concern about the health and safety risks to children and asks whether Health Canada or Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada offered any advice to help parents ensure that their children are taking precautionary measures when using wireless devices. Furthermore, the petitioner asks whether these departments have reached out to manufacturers of these devices to encourage them to reduce or discontinue advertising targeted at children under the age of 14 or to add precautionary labelling to these products.

Federal departments/organizations responsible for reply: Health Canada; Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada