Teachers and subsidized or free car parking at schools

Petition: 482

Issue(s): Air quality; Climate change; Environmental assessment; Human/environmental health

Petitioner(s): A Canadian resident

Petitioner location(s): Toronto, Ontario

Date received: 24 March 2023

Status: Completed—Response(s) to petition received

Summary: The petition focuses on greenhouse gases that are emitted from motor vehicle use, specifically from private and single-person-occupied vehicles and alleges that motor vehicle use is one of the country’s most polluting activities. The petition indicates that one approach to reducing motor vehicle use is to ensure that drivers pay the true cost of driving, as this will encourage people to use alternative modes of transportation such as walking, cycling, and public transit.

According to the petition, most teachers in Canada are provided with free parking, and it is unlikely that this taxable benefit is declared, resulting in the federal government subsidizing teachers’ car parking.

The petitioner seeks information from the Canada Revenue Agency regarding the amount of money collected from teachers who report free car parking as a taxable benefit, the estimated total amount of forgone revenue from undeclared free car parking at schools, and the amount of the subsidy provided to individual teachers who drive to school. The petitioner further requests the estimated potential reduction in greenhouse gas emissions—from the potential reduction in driving—if teachers were obliged to declare free parking as a taxable benefit.

Federal departments/organizations responsible for reply: Canada Revenue Agency; Environment and Climate Change Canada