Abandonment and reclamation liability of inactive oil wells on First Nations reserves

Petition: 501

Issue(s): Compliance and enforcement; Governance; Indigenous matters; Natural resources

Petitioner(s): A Canadian resident

Petitioner location(s): Calgary, Alberta

Date received: 12 March 2024

Status: Completed - Response(s) to petition received

Summary: The petition alleges that First Nations reserves have a large inventory of inactive and orphaned wells. The petition states that according to sections 78 and 112 of the Indian Oil and Gas Regulations, contract holders are obligated to abandon, remediate, and reclaim their sites once the sites are no longer in production.

The petition questions the approach of Indian Oil and Gas Canada to its compliance and enforcement of the closure liabilities of these wells on First Nations reserves. The petition also asks Indian Oil and Gas Canada for an inventory of all inactive sites on First Nations reserves, their associated contract holders, and an estimate of the total closure liabilities on all reserve lands.

Federal departments/organizations responsible for reply: Indigenous Services Canada