Protection of fish habitat in the Englishman River, Vancouver Island

Petition: 508

Issue(s): Biological diversity; Corporate social responsibility; Governance; Human/environmental health; Water

Petitioner(s): A Canadian resident

Petitioner location(s): Qualicum Beach, British Columbia

Date received: 13 May 2024

Status: Completed—Response(s) to petition received

Summary: The petition highlights concerns regarding the current level of riparian protection along the Englishman River on Vancouver Island. The petition explains that forested buffer zones filter sediment from industrial activity that could affect fish. The petition states that most forested lands on the eastern part of the island are privately owned because of previous railway grants. The petition claims that salmon bearing streams and rivers are currently present within these private lands.

The petition discusses provincial legislation and claims that it requires a 50-metre riparian buffer zone on Crown lands to protect vegetation along fish-bearing streams. The petition indicates that such requirements are not present for private lands. The petition goes on to explain that logging near streams and current provincial regulations are a risk to the sustainability of Pacific salmon stocks in the Englishman River. The petition questions the lack of regulations under the Fisheries Act regarding protective vegetation buffers along riverbanks to protect salmonid habitat.

Federal departments/organizations responsible for reply: Fisheries and Oceans Canada