Petitions by Issue


No. 475
Data on the Government of Canada’s public service on reasonable accommodations for environmental sensitivities, including electromagnetic hypersensitivity, as required under the Canadian Human Rights Act
No. 472
Establishment of a system for Canadians to report potential adverse reactions to radiation (radiofrequency electromagnetic fields) from wireless devices
No. 450
Status of implementation of Canada’s commitments to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals
No. 438
Reduction of plastic pollution
No. 437
Using ISO standards to measure greenhouse gases
No. 430
Inquiry into the need for Fisheries and Oceans Canada to recover endangered eulachon
No. 429
Plastic pollution in our oceans
No. 424
Petition for clarification on the conversion of Western Brook Pond Trail to a gravel access road in Gros Morne National Park
No. 421
Questioning nuclear power as clean energy
No. 420
Federal financing of the Fraser Surrey Docks coal export terminal and other coal export facilities
No. 419
Concerns about investment in “new” nuclear technologies
No. 418
Need for a national policy on decommissioning of nuclear reactors
No. 417
Clarification requested on the proposed Icefields Trail in Jasper National Park
No. 416
Sustainable development in national parks
No. 413
Environmental assessment of nuclear projects
No. 412
Jefferd Creek Rerouting
No. 411
Policies and strategies for managing non-fuel radioactive waste
No. 410
Canada’s progress on implementing and reporting on Agenda 2030
No. 409
Health Canada’s Safety Code 6 threshold for excessive heating and other adverse effects from radiofrequency and microwave wireless radiation on the human eye and on infants
No. 408
The relationship of science to the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy
No. 407
Scientific review processes to determine limits on exposure to radiofrequency radiation according to Safety Code 6
No. 406
Recognition, protection, and accessibility for persons who suffer health impairment related to contamination by electromagnetic pollution
No. 405
Canadian nuclear legacy liabilities: Cleanup costs for Chalk River Laboratories
No. 404
Nesting barn swallows at Norman Rogers Airport, in Kingston, Ontario
No. 403
Exposure of vulnerable persons to microwave and radiofrequency radiation
No. 402
Precautionary messaging and advisories in schools for safer use of wireless devices
No. 399
Scientific weight of evidence for Safety Code 6, Health Canada’s radiofrequency exposure guidelines
No. 398B
Follow-up petition on adequate warnings to Canadians about the effects of radiofrequency and microwave radiation from personal and household wireless devices
No. 398
Adequate warnings to Canadians about the effects of radiofrequency and microwave radiation from personal and household wireless devices
No. 397
Learning from assessments of Canada’s Renewable Fuels Strategy as a prerequisite to developing a Clean Fuel Standard
No. 375
Status of contaminated site near Canadian Forces Base Valcartier
No. 349b
Follow-up petition on Canada’s interpreting of the international version of the precautionary principle within Canadian government departments