Figure 1.1—Differences of Opinion (DofO)—Path to Resolution


This flow chart shows the different paths to resolution when differences of opinion arise during an audit. The chart is divided into three phases: direct settlement, arbitration, and appeal.

Direct settlement phase:

  • There may be differences within the engagement team and/or differences with those consulted.
  • Consult engagement team, including engagement assistant auditor general.
  • Document the issue, positions, and analysis (template available).
  • Is there a resolution?
  • If there is a resolution, move to the end of the appeal phase:
    • Finalize the difference of opinion documentation for the final position taken and steps taken to implement resolution.

    • Include the final documentation in the audit file and obtain sign-off from the party providing resolution during the arbitration or appeal process.

    • If there is no resolution, move to the arbitration phase.

Arbitration phase:

  • Seek advice from the product leader (if the product leader is the engagement assistant auditor general, then the arbitrator shall be the AAG-Audit Services).

  • There may be differences between the engagement leader and the engagement assistant auditor general.

  • There may also be differences between the engagement leader and the quality reviewer; if so, inform the engagement assistant auditor general.

  • If there is a resolution, move to the end of the appeal phase:

    • Finalize the difference of opinion documentation for the final position taken and steps taken to implement resolution.

    • Include the final documentation in the audit file and obtain sign-off from the party providing resolution during the arbitration or appeal process.

    • If there is no resolution, move to the appeal phase.

Appeal phase:

  • Consult the auditor general for advice.

  • Finalize the difference of opinion documentation for the final position taken and steps taken to implement resolution.

  • Include the final documentation in the audit file and obtain sign-off from the party providing resolution during the arbitration or appeal process.
