Feedback about Accessibility Process
Office of the Auditor General of Canada (OAG) employees, people and organizations that deal with the OAG, and the general public are invited to provide feedback on the accessibility barriers they have experienced in their interactions with the OAG. All feedback is directed to our Accessibility Coordinator.
You may contact them at any of the following:
- Online
- Inquiry Form
- Telephone
- 1‑888‑761‑5953
- TTY service
- (Telecommunications device service for the hearing impaired)
613‑954‑8042 - Fax
- 613‑957‑0474
- ATTENTION: Accessibility Coordinator
Office of the Auditor General of Canada
240 Sparks Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0G6
Canada - Social media
- Direct message on any of the platforms
We will acknowledge your feedback within 20 business days, in the same way it was submitted. Please note that for security reasons, we delete messages with file attachments.
Anonymous feedback can be submitted by mail, email, or telephone. If your feedback is left anonymously, we cannot send an acknowledgement.
All feedback will be reviewed by the Accessibility Coordinator. It will be forwarded to relevant divisions when necessary. If the feedback included contact information, any immediate action resulting from the feedback will be communicated to the person who submitted the feedback. All feedback related to accessibility will be captured in a central location for analysis and record keeping. Feedback will be used to help identify, prevent, and remove barriers in a timely manner.
Our annual progress reports on our accessibility plan will describe the feedback received. They will outline how the feedback informed our accessibility planning. The progress reports will also identify adjustments made in response to the feedback.
Accessibility Plan