Senator Dennis Glen Patterson

Appendix B—Files recommended for review by the Standing Senate Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration Senator Dennis Glen Patterson

Territory: Nunavut

Appointment date: 27 August 2009

For the period from 1 April 2011 to 31 March 2013

Total amount of items referred to the Internal Economy Committee
(including applicable taxes)
Amount repaid after 5 June 2013 and before 7 May 2015 $6,200


We found several instances of travel expenses claimed by the Senator that were not for parliamentary business.

1. From 27 to 31 October 2011, the Senator took a round trip from Ottawa to Vancouver for a fundraising event, and claimed travel expenses totalling $5,205. The Senator repaid this amount in full.

2. We found travel expenses totalling $995 for one trip in May 2011 to visit Pangnirtung, Nunavut. During the audit, the Senator repaid the amount of the claim, as the Senator stated that he believed that the expense did not meet the criteria for parliamentary business.

Findings—goods and services

We found several instances of goods and services claimed by the Senator that were not in accordance with the Senate’s rules, policies, or guidelines.

3. For each of the two years of the audit, the Senator awarded a contract to one of his full-time staff members to provide media monitoring services. In our view, the services were part of the employee’s regular duties. The contract was cancelled in 2014. The total expense for the two fiscal years was $3,023.

4. We found that the Senator’s office paid for legal services that were provided in the 2011–12 fiscal year, but that the Senator certified were performed in the 2012–13 fiscal year.

The Senator’s comments





Appendix B—Files recommended for review by the Standing Senate Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the Senate of Canada—Senators’ Expenses