Report 5—Environmental Petitions Annual Report

Report at a Glance Report 5—Environmental Petitions Annual Report

Focus of the annual report

The purpose of this annual report is to inform Parliament and Canadians about the number, nature, and status of petitions and responses received between 1 July 2015 and 30 June 2016, as required by section 23 of the Auditor General Act.

Petitions and Responses

Petitions received

Responses due in this reporting period

Why this report is important

The environmental petitions process is a unique way for Canadians to bring their concerns forward and ask questions on environmental issues. The process was an opportunity to directly request information and answers from federal ministers and ask for commitments to action. Petitions continued to raise a wide range of topics, issues, and questions. Further details about the environmental petitions process and the roles and responsibilities of the Commissioner and federal government departments can be found on our website.

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