2018–19 Departmental Results Report and 2020–21 Departmental Plan of the Office of the Auditor General of Canada

Opening Statement to the Standing Committee on Public Accounts

2018–19 Departmental Results Report and 2020–21 Departmental Plan of the Office of the Auditor General of Canada

29 October 2020

Karen Hogan, Chartered Professional AccountantCPA, Chartered AccountantCA
Auditor General of Canada

Madam Chair, we are pleased to have this opportunity to discuss the work of our office, including our most recent departmental reports. With me today are Andrew Hayes, Deputy Auditor General and Interim Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development, and Kim Leblanc, Principal of Human Resources.

The mission of the Office of the Auditor General of Canada is to contribute to well-managed and accountable government for Canadians. We do this by providing Parliament and territorial legislatures with independent and objective information, advice, and assurance about government financial statements and the management of government programs. The Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development assists the Auditor General by conducting reviews and audits that relate to the environment and sustainable development.

We also support the development of legislative audit methodology and accounting and auditing standards, and we work internationally to build audit capacity and promote better-managed and accountable international institutions.

2018–19 Departmental Results Report

Let me turn first to our 2018–19 Departmental Results Report. We provided this report to Parliament in December 2019. As shown in our financial statements, our net operating cost was $98.6 million, and we employed the equivalent of 552 full-time employees.

With these resources, we completed a total of 21 performance audits, including 6 led by the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development and 1 reported to a northern legislature. In addition, the Commissioner presented the annual report on environmental petitions and we conducted 9 special examinations of Crown corporations.

In terms of our financial audit work, we issued clean opinions on 85 of the 89 financial statements of federal and territorial governments and of Crown corporations we audited. We also presented commentaries derived from our special examination and financial audit work.

In the 2018–19 fiscal year, we appeared before 11 different parliamentary committees, for a total of 46 hearings on our audit work. Parliamentary committees can use our reports to improve government management and accountability, namely by inviting departmental officials to explain how and when they will address our audit recommendations and by following up on progress at a later date.

Our Departmental Results Report includes several indicators of the impact of our work, along with measures of our operational performance. They are provided in an appendix to this statement.

In 2018, an international team led by the audit office of South Africa conducted a peer review of our office. In its 2019 report, the review team concluded that our office had adhered to relevant professional standards, and that our system of quality control was suitably designed and effectively implemented. The peer review team also suggested improvements. Our action plan is available through our website.

2020–21 Departmental Plan

Let me turn now to our 2020–21 Departmental Plan. The Office of the Auditor General of Canada is funded through various appropriations and transfers. Under vote 1 of the Main Estimates, our program expenditures for the 2020–21 fiscal year are set at $78 million, and we plan to employ the equivalent of 585 full-time employees.

I would like to present 3 of the strategic objectives set out in our Departmental Plan: first, to ensure that we are financially well managed; second, to continue to develop and maintain a skilled and engaged workforce; and third, to ensure effective, efficient, and accountable office governance and management. We are now more than halfway through the year. These objectives have driven our work, including the way that we have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic and our funding pressures.

Our office has had to adapt to COVID-19. For the most part, our employees have been working remotely since March. For our performance audit work, we have prioritized the motions passed by the House of Commons earlier this year. In particular, we have undertaken audits of the government’s Investing in Canada plan and COVID-19 response. However, because of our funding pressures, focusing on this work has meant that we have had to defer other planned audits.

Since my appointment in June, we have been working productively with the government to address our funding needs. In July, I submitted an updated funding request, and I have strong indications that our needs will be fully addressed. We are now working with officials at the Treasury Board Secretariat so that our additional permanent funding can be included in the next Estimates for parliamentary approval.

To be as well prepared as possible to serve Parliament in the future, we have taken a calculated risk to start hiring in anticipation of receiving additional funding. We are monitoring our spending, and we are ready to react if needed to ensure that we will not exceed our budget.

We have also been focusing on the state of our information technologyIT environment. Like all organizations, we must invest on an ongoing basis to maintain and upgrade our systems. Our funding pressures have affected our ability to do some of this work. In the past, we have had to make difficult decisions to postpone some upgrades for our IT systems and processes that support our audits. Once we receive additional permanent funding, we will be able to act on our modernization plans.

Madam Chair, we thank the committee for its ongoing support and use of our work. We look forward to continuing to serve you in the coming year. We would be pleased to answer your questions.

Appendix—Performance indicators and results achieved

Performance measurement framework of the Office of the Auditor General of Canada

Audit operations

We use the first six of our strategic objectives to guide and monitor our audit operations (Exhibit 8).

Exhibit 8—Audit operations—Performance indicators and results achieved

Audit operations—Performance indicators and results achieved
Strategic objective Performance indicators 2018–19
Actual results
Actual results
Actual results

1. Report what is working, areas for improvement, and recommendations in a manner that is understandable, timely, fair, and adds value.

Percentage of audit reports on financial statements issued in the year without qualifications or “other matters” raised


Target not met

Target not met (95%)

Target not met (96%)

For discussion, see “Our current results.”

Percentage of special examination reports with no significant deficiencies


Target not met (40%, 2 of 5)Note 1

Target not met (0%, 0 of 6)Note 2

Target not met (44%, 4 of 9)Note 3

For discussion, see “Our current results.”

Percentage of reports to Parliament that are reviewed by parliamentary committees

At least 65%

Target met

Target met

Target not met

Percentage of audit recommendations/opinions addressed by entities:

  • for financial audits, percentage of qualifications and “other matters” that are addressed from one financial audit report to the next


Target not met
(75%, 6 of 8)

Target not met
(0%, 0 of 4)

Target not met
(20%, 1 of 5)

For discussion, see “Our current results.”

  • for performance audits, percentage of recommendations examined in our performance audit follow-up audit for which progress is assessed as satisfactory

At least 75%

Target not met
(0%, 0 of 3)

No follow-up conducted

No follow-up conducted

  • for special examinations, percentage of significant deficiencies that are addressed from one examination to the next


Target not metNote 4

Target met

Target not met
(75%; 3 of 4)

For discussion, see “Our current results.”

Percentage of users who find that our audits are understandable, timely, fair, and add value

At least 90%

Target not met

Target met

Target met

Percentage of senior managers in the organizations we audit who find that our audits are understandable, timely, fair, and add value

At least 80%

Target not met

Target not met

Target not met (76%)

Senior managers in some organizations subject to performance audits raised questions about the overall value received from the audit.

Percentage of audits that meet statutory deadlines, where applicable, or our planned reporting dates:

  • financial audits with a statutory deadline and special examinations


Target not met
(95%)Note 5

Target not met
(98%)Note 6

Target not met
(95%)Note 7

For discussion, see “Our current results.”

  • financial audits of federal organizations with no statutory deadline, financial audits of territorial organizations, and performance audits

At least 80%

Target met

Target met

Target met

2. Be independent, objective, and non-partisan.

Number of founded complaints and allegations regarding failure to comply with professional standards, legal and regulatory requirements, or the Office’s System of Quality Control


Target met

Target met

Target met

Percentage compliance with professional standards and Office policies for independence


Target met

Target met

Target met

Percentage of clients who find that we are independent, objective, and non-partisan

At least 90%

Target met

Target met

Target met

Percentage of senior managers in organizations we audit who find that we are independent, objective, and non-partisan

At least 80%

Target met

Target met

Target met

3. Ensure audit products comply with professional standards and Office policies in an economical manner.

Percentage of internal and external reviews that find engagement leaders complied with professional standards


Target met

Target met

Target met

Percentage of internal practice reviews that find the opinions and conclusions expressed in our audit reports to be appropriate and supported by the evidence


Target met

Target met

Target met

Percentage of external reviews that find our System of Quality Control is suitably designed and operating effectively


No dataNote 8

No dataNote 8

No data

An international peer review of the Office was recently conducted and will be reported in the 2019–20 fiscal year.

Percentage of audits that are completed on budget

At least 80%

Target met

Target not met

Target met

4. Ensure selection and continuance of audit products likely to have significant impact and value.

The Office periodically reviews its audit products to ensure that they are the ones most likely to have significant impact and value. A review was conducted in the 2018–19 fiscal year; no changes were made.

5. Contribute to the development and adoption of professional standards and best practices.

Percentage of commitments met to contribute to domestic and international professional standards bodies


Target met

Target met

Target met

6. Build and maintain relationships with parliamentarians and key stakeholders.

Percentage of clients who find that auditors met relationship expectations

At least 90%

Target met

Target met

Target met

Percentage of senior managers in the organizations we audit who find that auditors met relationship expectations

At least 80%

Target met

Target met

Target met

Office administration

The last five of our strategic objectives are used to guide and monitor administration of the Office (Exhibit 9).

Exhibit 9—Office administration—Performance indicators and results achieved

Office administration—Performance indicators and results achieved
Strategic objective Performance indicators 2018–19
Actual results
Actual results
Actual results

7. Be a financially well-managed organization accountable for the use of resources entrusted to it.

Percentage compliance with financial management and reporting requirements


Target not met
(99%)Note 1

Target not met
(99%)Note 2

Target not met

Of 434 contracts issued, 4 were not fully compliant with contracting regulations.

8. Ensure effective and efficient support services.

Percentage of internal service standards met (human resources, information technology, security, editorial services, and communications)


Target not met (77%)

Target not met (77%)

Target not met (77%)

One Tier 1 information technologyIT system was not operational for more than 48 hours.

Five security breaches occurred during the year, all of which were effectively mitigated.

Percentage of internal clients who find support services are effective and efficient

At least 85%

Not available

Target not met (82%)

Target met

9. Ensure effective, efficient, and accountable Office governance and management.

Percentage of employees who find that the Office is well governed and managed

At least 85%

No data

Target not met (78%)

Target not met (79%)

Audit Committee finds it is functioning as intended


Not applicableNote 3

Target met

Target met

Adverse findings and decisions from courts, tribunals, or administrative decision makers


Not applicableNote 3

Target met

Target met

Completion of the Office’s annual strategic priority projects


Target met

Target not met

Target not met

Some IT security and applications projects were not completed, owing to lack of resources. One of four financial audit efficiency projects was not completed.

10. Ensure a culture of empowerment.

Percentage of employees who find that the Office ensures a culture of empowerment

At least 80%

No data

Target not met

Target not met

11. Develop and maintain a skilled, engaged, and bilingual workforce.

Percentage of employees who complete mandatory training within the allotted time frame


Target not met

Target not met

Target not met (83%)

Training has since been completed. Additional monitoring procedures are being implemented.

Percentage of employees who find the Office develops and maintains an engaged workforce

At least 85%

No data

Target not met

Target not met

Percentage of staff who meet the language requirements of their positions:

  • Auditor General, deputy auditors general, and assistant auditors general


Target met

Target met

Target met

  • principals and directors


Target not met

Target not met

Target not met

  • supervisors

100%Note 4

Target met

Target met

Target not met

Percentage of employees who find that the Office develops and maintains a bilingual workforce

At least 90%

No data

Target met

No data

Questions pertaining to official languages were eliminated from the 2018 Public Service Employee Survey.