2021 Reports 3 to 7 of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development to the Parliament of Canada Report 5—Lessons Learned from Canada’s Record on Climate Change

Report 5—Lessons Learned from Canada’s Record on Climate Change

Lessons Learned from Canada’s Record on Climate Change

The Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development and the Auditor General of Canada have been reporting to Parliament on Canada’s climate change performance since 1998. However, mentions of climate change in audit reports started as early as 1985.

Drawing from this collective experience, this report identifies trends in Canada’s efforts to fight climate change, along with 8 lessons learned from Canadian accomplishments and mistakes.

This is not an audit report. Instead, this report provides a historical perspective on Canada’s action to address climate change mitigation and adaptation in order to inform parliamentarians. Parliamentarians are instrumental in ensuring that Canada transitions to a low-emission economy and ultimately must hold the government to account in meeting its climate change objectives. This report also aims to build Canadians’ awareness of the climate crisis, to share the Commissioner’s views, and to position future work on Canada’s climate change efforts.

Given the momentum created by the global climate conference in Glasgow, Scotland, this year, the moment to act on climate is now.

To learn more, read the reports of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development.