2017 Fall Reports of the Auditor General of Canada to the Parliament of Canada Appendix—Costs of Crown Corporation Audits

2017 Fall Reports of the Auditor General of Canada to the Parliament of CanadaAppendix—Costs of Crown Corporation Audits

The Office is required, under section 147 of the Financial Administration Act, to disclose its costs incurred in preparing annual audit (Exhibit 1) and special examination reports on Crown corporations.

An annual audit report includes an opinion on a corporation's financial statements and on its compliance with specified authorities. It may also include reporting on any other matter deemed significant.

A special examination determines whether a corporation’s financial and management control and information systems and its management practices provide reasonable assurance that

In the 2016–17 fiscal year, the Office completed the special examination of five Crown corporations. The costs incurred are in the following table:

Atlantic Pilotage Authority $610,315
Canadian Museum of Nature $780,252
Defence Construction (1951) Limited $524,342
Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation $1,179,525
International Development Research Centre $731,091

Exhibit 1—Cost of preparing annual audit reports for fiscal years ending on or before 31 March 2017

Crown corporation Fiscal year ended Cost ($)
Atlantic Pilotage Authority 2016-12-31 127,167
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited 2017-03-31 895,714
Business Development Bank of Canada (joint audit) 2017-03-31 633,467
Canada Council for the Arts 2017-03-31 259,811
Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation 2017-03-31 259,530
Canada Development Investment Corporation (joint audit) 2016-12-31 131,590
Canada Hibernia Holding Corporation (joint audit) 2016-12-31 122,501
Canada Lands Company Limited 2017-03-31 685,801
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (joint audit) 2016-12-31 668,795
Canada Post Corporation (joint audit) 2016-12-31 722,841
Canadian Air Transport Security Authority 2017-03-31 508,927
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation 2017-03-31 1,161,704
Canadian Commercial Corporation 2017-03-31 345,704
Canadian Dairy Commission 2016-07-31 208,806
Canadian Museum for Human Rights 2017-03-31 225,040
Canadian Museum of History 2017-03-31 228,846
Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 2017-03-31 103,303
Canadian Museum of Nature 2017-03-31 217,282
Canadian Race Relations Foundation 2017-03-31 193,393
Canadian Tourism Commission 2016-12-31 308,686
Defence Construction (1951) Limited 2017-03-31 138,720
Export Development Canada 2016-12-31 1,292,050
Farm Credit Canada 2017-03-31 738,783
Federal Bridge Corporation Limited, The 2017-03-31 512,738
Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation 2016-04-30 373,336
Great Lakes Pilotage Authority 2016-12-31 147,288
International Development Research Centre 2017-03-31 219,213
Jacques Cartier and Champlain Bridges Incorporated, The 2017-03-31 304,925
Laurentian Pilotage Authority 2016-12-31 112,430
Marine Atlantic IncorporatedInc. 2017-03-31 392,331
National Arts Centre Corporation 2016-08-31 280,543
National Capital Commission 2017-03-31 655,082
National Gallery of Canada 2017-03-31 242,956
National Museum of Science and Technology 2017-03-31 174,197
Pacific Pilotage Authority 2016-12-31 170,409
Public-Private PartnershipsPPP Canada Inc. (joint audit) 2017-03-31 109,702
Public Sector Pension Investment Board 2017-03-31 812,992
Ridley Terminals Inc. 2016-12-31 341,104
Royal Canadian Mint 2016-12-31 1,046,424
Seaway International Bridge Corporation, LimitedLtd., The 2017-03-31 124,179
Standards Council of Canada 2017-03-31 177,347
Telefilm Canada 2017-03-31 236,282
VIA Rail Canada Inc. 2016-12-31 780,706
Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority 2017-03-31 282,645

Subsequent to the tabling of the Appendix—Costs of Crown Corporation Audits included in the 2016 Fall Reports of the Auditor General of Canada, the Office finalized the annual audits that had been identified as incomplete. The previously reported and final costs incurred for these audit reports are in the following table:

Crown corporation Fiscal year ended Previously reported cost ($) Final cost ($)
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited 2016-03-31 1,035,330 1,072,538
Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority 2016-03-31 225,844 435,298