Video—Public Works is not thoroughly monitoring its contracts for building management services

Audit at a Glance—Outsourcing Building Management Services—Public Works and Government Services Canada
(Chapter 7—Spring 2014 Report of the Auditor General of Canada)

Video Transcript

In our audit of how Public Works and Government Services Canada monitors specific terms and conditions outlined in the contract with a third party provider of building management services, we found that monitoring steps are adequately designed, but noted weaknesses in the way they are implemented.

For example, Public Works did not apply its quality monitoring program—a key contract monitoring step—to over 230 leased buildings, representing 8 percent of the total space managed under contracts. Such weaknesses reduced the Department’s assurance that the service provider complied with the contracts.

With current contracts expiring in March 2015 and the Department forecasting an increase in the number of buildings and services that will be covered by the next round of contracts, Public Works and Government Services Canada should work to address these weaknesses.