Video—Auditor General releases Spring 2014 Report

Spring 2014 Report

Video Transcript

Good morning. I am pleased to present our Spring 2014 Report. This report touches on a number of different areas which illustrate how important it is for government to consider both the long and short term perspectives when planning programs. Serving immediate needs can move the emphasis away from long-term planning, which can impact results down the road.

As some of these audits show, government can become caught in a cycle of reacting to pressures, whether to mitigate capacity concerns in prisons or meet program timelines. Though government should work to provide Canadians with programs and services in a timely fashion, planning should also look beyond the needs of the day.

Better long-term planning is achievable in many of the areas we are reporting on today, and would improve results for Canadians and make better use of taxpayer dollars.