Video—Shared Services Canada did not put in place fundamentals to achieve effective collaboration with its partners

Audit at a Glance—Information Technology Shared Services

Video Transcript

In this audit, we looked at Shared Services Canada’s progress to date in transforming, maintaining and improving the information technology services of the federal government, and achieving savings.

The transformation of government IT services began in 2013 and is expected to be completed in 2020.

In our view, Shared Services Canada did not put in place fundamentals to achieve effective collaboration with its partners.

We found that Shared Services Canada did not set clear and concrete expectations of what departments would receive in terms of ongoing service, support and information.

Without service expectations, neither Shared Services Canada nor government departments have a clear understanding of whether service levels are being maintained and needs are being met.

As a result of these and other weaknesses noted in our audit, at this point in time, Shared Services Canada does not know whether it is meeting its transformation targets.

It is also unable to accurately demonstrate cost-savings achieved through the transformation of government IT services.

As this audit is a mid-transition review of the Department’s progress in implementing key elements of the government’s IT transformation, our recommendations provide concrete opportunities to look at what has been done so far, and to identify needed adjustments.