Petitions by Issue

Human/environmental health

No. 507
Policy measures to bring zero-emission advanced air mobility to rural Canada
No. 506
Call for a national pollinator strategy
No. 505
The protection of fish habitat in rivers and streams
No. 503
National Urban Park status for the National Capital Greenbelt
No. 502
Federal government obligation to disclose information on presence of radioactive waste contamination
No. 499
Environmental effects of the closure, remediation, and reclamation of oil sands mines
No. 498
Oil spill response plans for the southern resident killer whales
No. 497
Environmental impacts of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO’s) Camp Adazi military base in Latvia
No. 495
Government of Canada funding through the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, for research into the link between radiofrequency fields and potential health effects
No. 494
Questions on mobile‑source emission‑control technologies and wood‑burning‑appliances
No. 493
Canadians have the right to breathe clean air—A call for federal action on heavy truck pollution
No. 491
Rail safety and maintenance
No. 490
The National Capital Commission's corporate plan and real-property optimization strategy: Green space versus monetizing green space
No. 488
Federal Contaminated Sites Inventory does not include 1 and 19 Sir John A. MacDonald Parkway
No. 487
Environmental risk management plan for 1 and 19 Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway
No. 486
Environmental impact assessment
No. 485
Green and Inclusive Community Buildings grant application should not qualify for building at proposed location
No. 484
Political accountability for the continued use of glyphosate in Canada
No. 483
Request for an update or a timeline on the implementation of Recommendation 8 of the Standing Committee on Health’s 2015 parliamentary report
No. 482
Teachers and subsidized or free car parking at schools
No. 481
Health Canada’s actions regarding the consideration of the Canadian Medical Association, the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, the College of Family Physicians of Canada
No. 480
Follow-up to petition 466 on environmental effects of the Bradford Bypass construction on fish and fish habitat
No. 478
Policy measures regarding the marketing of radiation-emitting devices to children under the age of 14 to ensure parents are aware of the health risks and how these risks can be avoided
No. 477
Federal environmental responsibilities for the largest hospital plan in Canada—The Ottawa Hospital
No. 476
Climate action, escalating biodiversity loss, and pollution
No. 475
Data on the Government of Canada’s public service on reasonable accommodations for environmental sensitivities, including electromagnetic hypersensitivity, as required under the Canadian Human Rights Act
No. 474
Funding of research through the Canadian Institutes of Health Research into testing, diagnosis and treatment of electromagnetic hypersensitivity and the possible impacts on health in the workplace
No. 473C
Request for information and clarification on the response to petition 473 from the Minister of Health
No. 473B
Request for further information and clarification on the response to petition 473 from the Minister of Environment and Climate Change
No. 473
The non-agricultural use of permethrin in Canada as a mosquito treatment, and the implications to insect and spider biodiversity and the food chain
No. 472
Establishment of a system for Canadians to report potential adverse reactions to radiation (radiofrequency electromagnetic fields) from wireless devices
No. 471
Greenhouse gas emissions in Canada, monitoring, reporting, and climate action
No. 470
Assessing effectiveness of regulation of asbestos and asbestos cement pipes in Canada
No. 469
Enforcement of environmental standards in British Columbia
No. 468
Farmland drainage crisis in Saskatchewan
No. 467
Asphalt plant air pollution concerns
No. 466
Environmental effects of the Bradford Bypass construction on fish and fish habitat
No. 465
Concerns surrounding groundwater contamination by a fertilizer plant in Yorkton, Saskatchewan
No. 460
Concerns about effective monitoring, reporting, and enforcement of environmental laws and permits governing resource extraction projects
No. 458
The Government of Canada’s response to perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in water, products, and waste
No. 457
Responsibilities of Health Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada in protecting pollinators from the impact of neonicotinoid pesticides
No. 456
The Government of Canada’s rigour and transparency in evaluating the science regarding localized exposures to 5G technologies in its update of Safety Code 6
No. 455
Port authority decision making regarding coal exports and other environmental determinations under the Impact Assessment Act
No. 453
Federal funding of the Ontario Line and Canada’s commitment to sustainable infrastructure development
No. 452
Protecting aquatic environments from harmful effects of nanosilver in consumer products
No. 451
At-risk pipelines under the Ottawa River
No. 448
Acid mine drainage from Gatineau Park and vicinity
No. 447B
Follow-up petition on climate and environmental impacts of the new fleet of F-35 fighter jets
No. 447
Climate impact of new fighter jets
No. 440
Uncertainties about the management of single-use plastics
No. 438
Reduction of plastic pollution
No. 436
Multiple incidences of dead fish found on the shores of the Lièvre and Ottawa rivers in July 2019
No. 435
Use of social cost of carbon values by the Government of Canada
No. 434
Fluralaner toxicity in the environment
No. 433
Certain organic flame retardants substance grouping
No. 432
Concerns about single‑use plastics in our waters and about vinyl acetate–based products
No. 431
Oversight, safety, and public awareness of chemical product applications at the Central Experimental Farm in Ottawa
No. 428
Ten requests to the Government of Canada for improving the well-being of the environment
No. 427
Nuclear governance problems in Canada
No. 423
Re-evaluation of glyphosate by Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency and the United States Environmental Protection Agency
No. 422
Results of wheat, oats, and corn sampling for glyphosate by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency
No. 417
Clarification requested on the proposed Icefields Trail in Jasper National Park
No. 415
The role of Environment and Climate Change Canada and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency in the environmental assessment of the proposed Ajax Mine
No. 414
Concerns about impacts of open-net fish farming on wild Pacific salmon
No. 411
Policies and strategies for managing non-fuel radioactive waste
No. 409
Health Canada’s Safety Code 6 threshold for excessive heating and other adverse effects from radiofrequency and microwave wireless radiation on the human eye and on infants
No. 408
The relationship of science to the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy
No. 407
Scientific review processes to determine limits on exposure to radiofrequency radiation according to Safety Code 6
No. 406
Recognition, protection, and accessibility for persons who suffer health impairment related to contamination by electromagnetic pollution
No. 405B
Follow-up petition on Canada’s nuclear legacy liabilities
No. 405
Canadian nuclear legacy liabilities: Cleanup costs for Chalk River Laboratories
No. 403
Exposure of vulnerable persons to microwave and radiofrequency radiation
No. 402
Precautionary messaging and advisories in schools for safer use of wireless devices
No. 399
Scientific weight of evidence for Safety Code 6, Health Canada’s radiofrequency exposure guidelines
No. 398B
Follow-up petition on adequate warnings to Canadians about the effects of radiofrequency and microwave radiation from personal and household wireless devices
No. 398
Adequate warnings to Canadians about the effects of radiofrequency and microwave radiation from personal and household wireless devices
No. 396
Concerns about fish farming practices in British Columbia and their effect on the health of farmed fish and wild fish
No. 394
Adequacy of environmental risk assessment of industrial facility in Port Alberni, British Columbia
No. 393
Concerns about the spraying of pesticides close to a school in a rural area
No. 392
Concerns over crude oil shipping and oil spills on the Great Lakes
No. 391
Changing nature of protected areas in Canada
No. 387
Concerns about Canada’s continued use and import of asbestos
No. 384
Relocation of the 443 Maritime Helicopter Squadron—Deficiencies in environmental assessment and need for public consultation
No. 382
Public consultation process for the re-evaluation of the herbicide glyphosate
No. 381
Concerns over Canadian Coast Guard response to English Bay oil spill in Vancouver
No. 380
Critical infrastructure and atmospheric security—Impacts of climate change
No. 378
Safety Code 6 and protection from electromagnetic radiation generated by a cell tower antenna
No. 377B
Follow-up petition on the interpretation and application of Canada’s Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy
No. 377
Interpretation and application of Canada’s Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy
No. 376
Climate change adaptation for national parks
No. 375
Status of contaminated site near Canadian Forces Base Valcartier
No. 373
Environmental concerns over oil leaking from a sunken cargo ship in Notre Dame Bay, Newfoundland
No. 372
Federal responsibilities toward cancer prevention from risks associated with environmental carcinogens
No. 371
Environmental risks of hazardous goods transported by rail
No. 370
Risks of releasing coal and coal dust into the environment during transport
No. 349b
Follow-up petition on Canada’s interpreting of the international version of the precautionary principle within Canadian government departments